Dhaka Bank offers Lease Financing for acquiring of capital machineries, equipments and other items.The scheme is flexible and can provide full funding for a business venture. 

Our Lease Financing scheme is simple, convenient and is backed by prompt service from a team of dedicated personnel. On the other hand, rental payable under lease financing is treated as revenue expenditure which, as such, is deductible for tax purposes.


Items eligible for Lease Financing scheme

Capital machinery (imported/local) required for setting up new or BMRE of existing import substitute / export oriented / indigenous technology based industrial units.
Medical equipments required for Doctors chamber/clinic, viz. Ophthalmic, Dental, Imaging, Cardiac, Hospital, Anaesthesia equipments, etc.
Personal computers with dot/laser jet printers, UPS, stabilizer and other required accessories.
Air conditioner (split/window), lift, standby generator. etc.
Photo copier, overhead projector, spiral binding M/C and laminating M/C, etc.
Video equipments for production of package programme,  ad film etc.
Vehicles like luxury coach, bus, mini-bus, truck, closed body van and 3-wheeler delivery van, car, microbus and jeep (not for commercial use.)
Others if deemed fit.

Lease term

Lease terms may vary to suit your need but not exceeding the period as detailed below:

Capital machinery/equipments: Maximum 5 years (for computers/medical equipments - generally 3 years.
Automobiles: Maximum 4 years (new), 3 years (reconditioned.)

Fees and charges

Risk fund, supervision and monitoring charges are applicable on each item under lease. Additionally, project examination/inspection fees are levied in related cases. The rates however vary according to items. Please contact our branches or Investment Division for the current rates.

Insurance for leased items

Leased items are duly insured under the Bank's clauses throughout the lease term. In case of automobiles, a comprehensive insurance with RSD clause is required covering the entire lease term and the vehicle is registered in the sole name of the Bank. In all cases, insurance premium is borne by the lessee.


Your choice in the procurement and installation of the leased items

The Bank accepts your choice of equipments and installation covered under the lease agreement.

Availability of fund for procurement and installation of leased items

Fund is made available after execution of lease agreement and firm purchase order is placed with the manufacturer/supplier in conformity with the terms of the agreement. In case of imported item, the Bank will open irrevocable L/C in its own name.

Responsibility for repair and maintenance of leased items

The lessee is responsible for the maintenance and repair of leased items . The Lessee is obliged to operate the leased item with optimum care and prudence.

Security required for the lease finance

Security requirements vary according to the nature of the asset and legal status of the lessee. The requisites for a particular lease item or a project can be ascertained by contacting our branches or the Investment Division.

Advance deposit required for the lease

An amount equal to 1 to 3 months lease rentals is required to be deposited before execution of the lease Agreement. The amount of the advance rental is refundable without interest on successful termination of the lease agreement, subject to necessary appropriation of salvage value and other charges, if any.

Ownership of the asset after successful termination of the agreement

The Lessee may have an option to purchase the leased item at a nominal value. The Bank may also agree to transfer the ownership of leased item to the Lessee before expiry of Lease Term, on being approached by the latter, on payment of up to date outstanding in the lease finance account plus 5% of the acquisition cost.

For further details please contact our Investment Division:

Investment Division
Adamjee Court Building
115-120 Motijheel C.A.
Dhaka 1000